
Step #01 : Prepare Cloud Virtual Machine in iwStack.com


Please see Tasks Performed, below, to get an idea of the contents of this first video :

I use iwstack rather than Amazon or Heroku (or etc., etc.) for a number of reasons :
  • based on Apache CloudStack, there's no supplier lock-in at all.
  • for three years now, I have had truly excellent service from Prometeus, the parent company.
  • I can scale resources on demand, billed per hour of usage, with full root access, or turn everything off and pay a few cents a day for storage of my virtual appliances.
You will have not need iwstack, or even CloudStack for that matter, for videos four through nine.  I use a server in iwstack for administering the various VPS servers my customers have around the web, and shut it down when I don't need it.

Tasks performed

  1. Log in to iwstack
  2. Select the Templates menu
  3. Select the ISO files view
  4. Open Ubuntu's downloads page
  5. Get the URL of the desired version
  6. Fill in the ISO file registration sheet 
  7. Select the Instances menu
  8. Click the Add Instance button
  9. Complete the specifications in the instantiation wizard
  10. Open the terminal console to begin the Ubuntu installation procedure.
An overview of all the steps of this series is available here:

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